Martin Electric Team
12/9/2019 by: Kendra Hart

Congratulations on Retirement, Jim!

Thursday evening, we had the honor of celebrating the retirement of Mr. James Ludwig! In 1986, Jim started his career with George J. Martin & Son (Martin Electric) as a 1st year apprentice. His career spanning 33 years provided for some great stories and words of wisdom to share amongst his colleagues, family and friends at his celebration. Those that worked alongside Jim all had one thing in common to say about him, "they don't make 'em like that anymore." Jim was never, ever late. He always stepped up to take on the undesirable jobs - without hesitation or complaint. He couldn't bear to stand around and wait, so rest assured you'd better keep up! He had an unwavering loyalty and commitment to the company which we hoped to have reciprocated over the years.

While he may be retiring, Jim has no plans of slowing down. Jim will keep busy rehabbing his family's home in Florida in addition to hunting and fishing in the Adirondacks. We will miss him greatly but have a sneaking suspcion he will be back - even if just for a visit.

Jim - You are forever a part of our family and will always have a home at Martin. It is with sincere appreciation and gratitude that you chose to spend your entire career with us. You gave it your all and then some. We can only hope that this next generation has watched and learned that success is built upon attitude, hard work, commitment, and integrity like you have demonstrated all these years.


The Martin Team